Government and the Economy

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Government and the Economy por Mind Map: Government and the Economy

1. What Regulatory Roles Does Government Play in Our Economy?

1.1. Maintain competition

1.2. Safeguard consumers, savers and investors

1.3. Protects workers

1.4. Regulatory agencies create and enforce standards and regulations


1.5.1. The government helps control and regulate our economy. They adjust our fiscal rates and creates standards so we don't go into severe debt.

2. How should government address externalities and public goods?

2.1. Implement a variety of policies to limit negative externalities and support positive externalities.

2.2. Provide public goods that are deemed necessary.


2.3.1. The government provides public goods to everyone if they are deemed necessary. They do this with libraries and roads and street-lights. They also implement many policies to get rid of bad externalities and support good externalities.

3. What does government do to promote economic well-being?

3.1. Spending more money

3.2. Redistributes income to combat poverty


3.3.1. The government promotes economic well-being by spending money to ensure everyone is being well and redistributes income fro the rich to the poor.

4. How Does the Government Protect Property Rights?

4.1. Police forces

4.2. Patent and Trademark Office

4.3. Court system

4.4. Eminent Domain

4.5. Constitution protects Property Rights


4.6.1. The government offers it's citizens with police officers that protect your property as well as a court system that can back you up. There is even a bill of rights that says the government can't take away your land, eminent domain. The government gives us property rights and don't want to take them away.