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SONY por Mind Map: SONY

1. Strategic Issues

1.1. Which Market to target?

1.2. How to react to new technologies

1.3. How to react to competition?

1.4. How to improve operating efficiency

2. Strategic Choices

2.1. SAFE

2.1.1. Suitability

2.1.2. Acceptability

2.1.3. Feasability

3. 4 Pressures

3.1. Industry Dynamics

3.2. CSR & Ethics

3.3. Risk

4. Internal Analysis

4.1. Value Chain Analysis

4.2. Resources / Capabilities

4.2.1. VRIO

4.3. Porter's Configuration & Coordination Matrix

5. Stakeholders

5.1. Stakeholder mapping

5.2. Markides Value Propositiion

5.3. Who Matters?


6.1. External Analysis

6.1.1. PESTLE

6.1.2. Strategic Groups

6.1.3. 5 Forces + Cpmplementors

6.1.4. Value Net

6.2. Key Success Factors

6.3. International

6.3.1. YIP Globalisation Drivers

6.3.2. Kogut Globalisation Benefits

6.3.3. Goshals Organising Framework

6.4. Industry Life Cycle


7.1. Competitive Strategy

7.1.1. Porters Generic Strategic Framework

7.1.2. Hitt Generic Strategy Adaptation

7.2. Corporate Strategy

7.2.1. Ansoff Growth Matrix