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Deserts por Mind Map: Deserts

1. Social Studies

1.1. Create map of the world and label the deserts.

1.2. Research what a desert is.

1.3. Create a timeline on endangered desert plants and animals.

2. Reading/ Language Arts

2.1. Books that can be read

2.1.1. Mojave by Diane Siebert

2.1.2. The Desert is Theirs by Byrd Baylor

2.1.3. Desert Giant by Barbara Bush

2.1.4. Listen to the Desert by Pat Mora

2.1.5. Cactus by Cynthia Overbeck

2.1.6. Desert Animals by Joanne Gise

2.1.7. Wonders of the Desert by Louis Sabin

2.1.8. The Wild Young Desert by Ann Atwood

2.1.9. Plants of the Desert by Andreu Llamas

2.1.10. Cactus Fox by Julian May

2.1.11. Animals of the Desert by J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson.

2.2. Create a list of adjectives that would describe a desert animal or plant. Then create a story using those adjectives.

2.3. Sequencing

2.3.1. Children will sequence different types of cactus by size

2.4. Creat a vocabulary mathching game and play it with a partner.

3. Art

3.1. Create a diaroma of the desert including plants and animals.

3.2. Whole class diagram of the desert during the day and night. This is done throughout the unit and things are added as they are learned about.

4. Science

4.1. Creating Water in the Desert Experiment

4.2. Discuss camouflage and create a picture of how a desert animals hides to keep safe.

5. Math

5.1. Measurement

5.1.1. Measure various desert plants found around the school

5.2. Graph

5.2.1. Create a graph using the timeline on endangered plants and animals and graph the number of plants that endangered and the number of animals that are endangered.

6. Writing

6.1. Write reviews on the books that they choose to read.

6.2. A trip to the desert book.

7. Movement/PE

7.1. The children are to act out an animal or plant and the others are to guess what they are.

7.2. Play Who am I. The children move around the room trying to figure out what animal they are by getting clues from their classmates.