Elements of an Academic Article

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Elements of an Academic Article por Mind Map: Elements of an Academic Article

1. Title

1.1. Tells you what the article is about

2. Graphs and Charts

2.1. Illustrate the author's ideas

3. Date published

3.1. Journal it is published in

3.2. What ideas were predominant then

4. Argument

5. Abstract

5.1. Introducti

6. Author

6.1. personal bias

7. Conclusion

7.1. restate thesis

8. References/Bibliography

8.1. citations

9. Introduction

9.1. Thesis

9.1.1. Cita

9.2. Background information

10. Literature Review

10.1. Summary of what has been said about a topic previously

10.2. Theory used

10.2.1. What questions the author asks about a text and how he or she seeks to answer them