Digital Tools and Effective Strategies for Taking Notes and for Learning Content

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Digital Tools and Effective Strategies for Taking Notes and for Learning Content por Mind Map: Digital Tools and Effective Strategies for Taking Notes and for Learning Content

1. Action Points

1.1. Note taking can be an excellent source to understand content. LIST OF BENEFITS

1.2. Note taking is time consuming so choose the way you use it wisely. TIME MANAGEMENT OUTLINE

1.3. Note taking does not need to take the form of written notes, depending on learning styles, some effective note taking can be done through other avenues. LEARNING STYLES AND HOW THEY RELATE TO TAKING NOTES AND LEARNING

2. Ideas

2.1. List the digital tools I make use of in this class.

2.1.1. Tablet laptop Phone

2.2. Discuss briefly the effectiveness of those tools.

2.2.1. Each one is easily accessible Each has apps which I can use to make note-taking easier I can share my notes with others to help me understand the content faster by comparing what I understood to what my classmates understood from the same lesson

2.3. Discuss time management and how it applies to taking notes.

2.3.1. Time management tips How does time management relate to taking notes best ways to use time management for taking notes

3. Facts

3.1. Taking note on a laptop is time consuming.

3.2. When using laptops to take notes, students tend to take notes verbatim.

3.3. Handwritten notes show increased understanding of the subject matter.

3.4. Not all student learn in the same way or take notes in the same way

3.5. Learning styles determine which method of note taking is more effective for the student.

4. Goals

4.1. Discuss which digital tools exist for effective note taking.

4.2. Discuss strategies which I use for effective note taking.

4.3. Discuss ways that these topics help a student learn the content of the subject.

5. Problems

5.1. Which digital tools do I make use of?

5.1.1. Tablet

5.1.2. Laptop

5.1.3. Phone

5.2. Why are these tools effective for me and possibly others?

5.2.1. Fast access to the resources I need

5.2.2. Able to share the notes with others easier

5.2.3. Allows for goal setting to be more achievable

5.3. Will you actually learn the content or will it become more time consuming?

5.3.1. Through taking notes, you read the matierial more so than copy down word for word

5.3.2. Note-taking is time consuming but depending on the type of learner, it might be the only way to absorb the content in a way you can relate to it