Ethics and the College Student

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Ethics and the College Student por Mind Map: Ethics and the College Student

1. By- Yissell Torres

2. Ethics- What is it?

2.1. By definition Ethics are a baseline of principles and standard behavioral guidelines .

2.2. Research states you can be unethical and still follow the law.

2.3. In order to be certain you are being an ethical student you must follow a system, not necessarily society.

3. Conclusion

3.1. The temptation to cheat.

3.2. The importance to being an Ethical student.

3.3. How using Ethical practices can lead to success as an online student?

4. The consequences if you cheat.

4.1. Study show that deviate or unethical behaviors lead into the professional arena later in life.

4.2. Research states that punishment is not enough.

4.3. School dismissal and what it cost.

5. Why is it important to demonstrate ethical work?

5.1. You learn to create discipline and a high standard of study.

5.1.1. Learning good habits now can transfer to other areas of your life.

5.1.2. You are being Fair.

6. Even though all students are unethical to some degree, NOT everyone's cheating.