The Criminal

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The Criminal por Mind Map: The Criminal

1. Baumrind's Parenting Styles:Authoritarian

1.1. Not very nurturing or warm Makes many maturing demands Exerts high control Expects compliance with few reasons Does not give permission for expression Uses a power approach

1.1.1. Example: The Criminal says that his dad says to him, "Retarted, big mouth, know it all jerk! Shut up! go fix me a turkey pot pie!"

2. Stages of personality developement: Anal

2.1. The libido now becomes focused on the anus and the child derives great pleasure from defecating. The anal expulsive, underwent a liberal toilet-training regime during the anal stage. In adulthood the anal expulsive is the person who wants to share things with you. They like giving things away. An anal-expulsive personality is also messy, disorganized and rebellious.

2.1.1. John underwent an anal expulsive stage, causing him to be rebellious and disorganized. His locker was ridiculously messy and he even brought marijuana in the school and smoked it while in detention.

3. Adolescent Egocentrism: Invincibility Fable

3.1. Feeling that although others might be vulnerable to tragedies, these things won't happen to them. Usually causes risk taking.

3.1.1. He took a risk when he left the room that he was suppose to stay in. He escaped through the vents which is extremely dangerous and even fell through, but didn't flinch and got back up like nothing happened.

4. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

4.1. A Self Fulfilling Prophecy is a prediction that causes itself to come true due to the simple fact that the prediction was made. This happens because our beliefs influence our actions

4.1.1. Since he believes he is worthless and thinks he isn't going anywhere in life, he doesn't care about getting detentions or acting up in school. This shows that his beliefs influenced his actions

5. Ingroup Bias

5.1. Ingroup bias is simply the tendency to favor one's own group. This is not one group in particular, but whatever group you associate with at a particular time.

5.1.1. The criminal insults all the other students' reputations because he doesn't associate himself with them and therefore thinks less of them "you richies are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities" Since he isn't rich, he talks down to them.

6. Stereotypes

6.1. a stereotype is a "fixed" way of thinking about people in which you classify others into specific categories without much room for individualism or variation

6.1.1. "I want to be just like you! I figure all I needs' a lobotomy and some tights!" Here John is stereotyping that all athletes are stupid and wear tights.

7. ID

7.1. The ID strives to satisfy biological and instinctual drives. This can also called the pleasure principal.

7.1.1. When it was lunch time John voiced to Richard Vernon that they need drinks for their lunch so they do not become dehydrated and volunteered to go get the drinks. He is using his ID because although he knew he wasn't suppose to get up from his chair, his biological and instinctual drives overrode situational cues to satisfy his thirst.

8. Projection: Defense Mechanism

8.1. Projection attributes threatening impulses to others. Emotions and impulses which are anxiety-producing or perceived to be unacceptable are mastered by exaggeration of the directly opposing tendency.

8.1.1. John is so insulting and impulsive about the things he says to the other students as a defense mechanism because he is actually really sensitive. For example, he tells Claire that her name is a fat girls name. Later he gives an impression of his family life, and shares how his parents call him stupid, worthless, big-mouthed, ugly, lazy and more while swearing at him. Because he feels worthless he insults other people to make them feel worthless.