Modal Verbs

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Modal Verbs por Mind Map: Modal Verbs

1. Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that can not function as a main verb , unlike auxiliary verbs "be" , "do" and "have" that they can function as a main verb.

2. They are auxiliaries of the future and the conditional.

3. Example: “may” I would bring an umbrella, it may rain later. You may use your cell phones now. Example: "might" I would bring an umbrella, it might rain later. It might be better to finish this now, rather than wait until tomorrow

4. Modal verbs expressed mode. They can express ability , possibility, necessity or other status

5. Modal verbs are: can, could, ma, might, wi, shall, should, aoght to, must, would.

6. Examples: "cam" Can I have a glass of water? Can they work late tonight? Examples: " could " You could pass the test if you studied. I think it could rain later.