Maria's PLE

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Maria's PLE por Mind Map: Maria's PLE

1. Attitudes

1.1. In order to learn somenthng is crucial take in account that it is better if you have a positive attitude. I learn due to I have some great attitudes related to learn.

1.1.1. Intrinsic Curious Due to I am curious, Iprobablly learn more, in the way that I am quite interesting in new things that I do not know. Interest I am interesting on what I am doing, for example, my degree, I am very interesting in Education, so is crucial that you like what you do in order to be easier to learn about it.

1.1.2. Extrinsic Family It is very important the attitud and support of your family to help you to be motivated in learning. Peer group It is also quite important the type of people are in your peer group and people who surround you in order to motivate yourself in learn and progress on what you are doing (a degree for example).

2. Reflection

2.1. Virtual way

2.1.1. Facebook In Facebook I reflect about information I read provided by my contacts and I share what I reflect.

2.1.2. Instagram On Instagram I reflect when I upload a photograph and its tittle is a reflexion about something I have read in other social networks.

2.1.3. Twitter Twitter is where I most reflect about things I read,, experiences, or interesting things.

2.2. Real world

2.2.1. Paper Sometimes, I writte my reflections by hand on a sheet of paper.

2.3. Holes I would like to fill in

2.3.1. I would like to fill a hole as is having a personal blog where I could reflect about almost everything I wanted.

3. Resources and sources of information

3.1. Virtual World

3.1.1. Online Television (Example: ATRESPLAYER) I have a wide source of information when I want, 24 hours/day. I learn watching the different programs that are on Television.

3.1.2. Online newspapers I learn reading daily information and news

3.1.3. Scopus, Dialnet So I learn using it through reading documents of my interest

3.1.4. Yahoo I learn from Yahoo, reading the advices and personal experiences of people how share in it, about topics that I am interested in.

3.1.5. Facebook, Twitter I learn reading many different types of information, since news, people's movement, interesting, people's reflections and experiences or experiments which make me reflect as well as be informed by reading.

3.1.6. Blogs I learn from blogs reading about the different things people do or reflect, depending on the type of blog.

3.1.7. WordReference, Real Spanish Accademy I learn reading definitions even in Spanish or English, as well as synonymous, translations, conjugations, and grammar rules.

3.1.8. Virtual University of Murcia I learn reading documents, virtual textbooks, videos and othehr materials that my university teachers provide us in that platform.

3.1.9. Wikipedia I learn from wikipedia reading the information it has available for a wide amount of different topics.

3.1.10. YouTube I learn from YouTube, watching videos about almost everything you need, from tutorials of tools, explanations of a Scientific's theory to how to do handicrafts.

3.2. Real world

3.2.1. Textbooks I learn from textbooks reading them.

3.2.2. Family I learn from my family talking to them, discussing or even having an argument.

3.2.3. Friends

3.2.4. Teachers Teacher's lectures Teacher's written information

3.2.5. University of Murcia

3.2.6. Newspapers

3.2.7. Television

3.2.8. Radio

3.3. Holes I would like to fill in

3.3.1. About the sources and resources I use nowadays, I think that always is going to be uncomplete, due our PLE changes during the passing of time, but I would like to fill some holes I miss in order to learn about Education which is my interest so I would like to be inform and learn by reading. Educational e-magazines Teacher's Blogs Research in Education People to follow related to Education (Twitter, Facebook).

4. Personal Larning Network

4.1. In order to share information and be able to comment and reflect with other people

4.1.1. Real world Family University Colleges Friends

4.1.2. Virtual World Google Drive Skype Whatsapp Gmai, hotmaill Facebook Messenger Reception

4.1.3. Holes I would like to fill in I have realized the importance of sharing the information, reflections and many things. So I would like to share as much information as I receive and I would like to be a person who gives provides information like all those people that provide me and the rest of the world information and reflections even if people need it or not so I would like share in Yahoo Blogger

5. Tools

5.1. There are a lot of new tools that I did not know that they exist and now after this course I know how to use them. In order to create mindmaps, posters, comics, inphographics, different profiles, representations among others

5.1.1. Comic life

5.1.2. Fakebook

5.1.3. Thinglink

5.1.4. Google Drive

5.1.5. Google Docs

5.1.6. Pearltrees

5.1.7. Mindeister

5.1.8. Dropbox

5.1.9. Text 2 Mind Map

5.1.10. Pinterest

5.1.11. Padlet

5.1.12. Fickr

5.1.13. Cmap tools

5.1.14. Moovly

5.1.15. Prezzi

5.1.16. QR Codes

5.1.17. Wix

5.2. Holes I would like to fill in

5.2.1. I would like to learn to use much more tools along my life and the development of my Personal Learning Environment, making easier my learning through them.

5.2.2. I also would like cover the hole of having a tool which organize al my tools for example Symbaloo.