Entreprise 2.0

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Entreprise 2.0 por Mind Map: Entreprise 2.0

1. Stakes

1.1. Lower costs

1.2. Improve productivity

1.3. Improve CRM

1.4. Develop Business

1.5. Retain employees

2. Social aspects

2.1. Digital natives

2.2. Social networking

3. IT as a service Offer

3.1. Multi-customer

3.2. Web based

3.3. Industrail means for scale effect

3.4. Functionality focused

3.5. Everything in the price

4. Functionnal aspects

4.1. Cloud computing

4.1.1. RIA

4.1.2. SaaS

4.1.3. Grid computing

4.1.4. Web analytics

4.2. Office 2.0

4.2.1. Wiki

4.2.2. Blogging

4.2.3. Micro-blogging

4.3. RSS

4.4. Search

4.5. The web is the new service platform

5. Market aspect

5.1. The long tail

5.2. Business 2.0

5.3. The World Wide Computer

5.4. Competition

6. Organizational aspect

6.1. New jobs

6.2. New Hierachy

6.3. Folksonomy