Nielson's 10 Heuristics for

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Nielson's 10 Heuristics for por Mind Map: Nielson's 10 Heuristics for

1. Aesthetic & Minimalist Design

1.1. Different categories are separated into different tabs

1.2. Easy to find and easy to understand

2. Visibility of System Status

2.1. When user hovers/click over a category, it will display the relevant information

2.2. When user chooses a sub-category, it will highlight the chosen category

2.3. When item has been added to cart, the number will show the how much item has been added

3. User Control & Freedom

3.1. User can filter content

3.2. Can easily go back to the previous page if pressed on a wrong link

4. Recognition & Recall

4.1. When typing in the search bar, a list of options or relevant information related to the keyword are displayed

5. Matching System with Real World

5.1. Displayed information is exactly what the user needs

6. Error Prevention

6.1. System will display a message if product has been added to cart

6.2. Will prompt user if they wish to continue shopping

7. Help & Documentation

7.1. Help option is available if user is unsure how to use the website

8. Help User Recognize, Diagnose and Recover from Error

8.1. System will display a message and the reasons

9. Consistency & Standard

9.1. Categories are matched with relevant symbols to easily identify

10. Flexibility & Efficiency

10.1. Users can share from the webpage itself