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James Dashner por Mind Map: James Dashner

1. Saga de The Maze Runner

1.1. The Scorch Trials (2010)

1.2. The Maze Runner (2009)

1.3. The Death Cure (2011)

1.4. The Kill Order (2012)

1.5. The Fever Code (2016)

1.6. Secret Files

2. Saga de The Infinity Ring

2.1. A Mutiny in Time (Libro 1) (2012)

2.2. Son of Zeus (Libro 7) (2014)

3. Saga de The Mortality Doctrine

3.1. The Eye of Minds (2013)

3.2. The Rule of Thoughts (2014)

4. Saga de The Jimmy Fincher

4.1. A Door in the Woods (2003)

4.2. A Gift of Ice (2004)

4.3. The Tower of Air (2004)

4.4. War of the Black Curtain (2005)

5. Saga de The 13th Reality

5.1. The Hunt for Dark Infinity (2009)

5.2. The Void of Mist and Thunder (2012)

5.3. The Journal of Curious Letters (2008)

5.4. The Blade of Shattered Hope (2010)