Designing Critical Challenges

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Designing Critical Challenges por Mind Map: Designing Critical Challenges

1. Judging Better/Best

1.1. - judge between two + options

1.2. Q: Did all Canadian have the same feelings about their new nation?

2. Critque the Piece

2.1. - assess the merits/shortcomings

2.1.1. of a person

2.1.2. of a product

2.1.3. of a performance

2.1.4. of an action

2.2. Q: Why did Emily Stowe go the United States for Medical School?

3. Rework the Piece

3.1. transform a product

3.2. Q: After watching the link. What would the voice of the other Chinese Men be?

4. Decode the Puzzle

4.1. - suggest/justify ....

4.1.1. a possible solution

4.1.2. an explanation

4.1.3. an interpretation

4.2. - solve the unknown (mystery)

4.2.1. "The Nature of Critical Thinking| - The Following Needs to be in Place for Learners 1. Background Knowledge 2. How to make Judgements 3. Vocabulary and Concepts 4. Thinking Strategies 5. Habits of Mind

4.3. Q: Explain how our current rights are a reflection of the past?

5. Peform to Specs

5.1. - perform a task/set of actions

5.2. Q: Design and implement a "5 minute News and Events" for one person we have discussed during this unit. See example (link)

6. Design to Specs.

6.1. design a product that meets a

6.1.1. given set of specifications

6.1.2. given set of conditions

6.2. Q: Using Smart Ideas or similar program - Create a timeline focusing on the creation of the CPR.