Fundamentals and literature review of Fourier transform in power quality issues

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Fundamentals and literature review of Fourier transform in power quality issues por Mind Map: Fundamentals and literature review of Fourier transform in power quality issues

1. Fourier series

1.1. It is named after Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier

1.1.1. The Fourier series is described in theory and problems of advanced calculus

2. Fourier Transform

2.1. It is used to transform signals between

2.1.1. The domain of time

2.1.2. The frecuence domain

3. Discrete Fourier Transform

3.1. It is used for a finite-length signal, which is discretized in frequency.

4. Fast Fourier Transform

4.1. It is an efficient algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse

4.1.1. There are two algorithms Decimation in time Decimation in frequency

5. Inverse fast Fourier transform

5.1. It is calculated by using the equations based on FFT with simple operations

6. Literature review

6.1. Methods dependent on DFT and FFT

6.2. Methods dependent on wavelet transform and FFT

6.3. Methods dependent on neural networks

6.4. Methods dependent on fuzzy logic

6.5. Methods dependent on other methods