The Progress Principle

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The Progress Principle por Mind Map: The Progress Principle

1. The Principle

2. Working Together & High Performance

2.1. Creativity

2.2. Productivity

2.3. Commitment

2.4. Collegiality

3. The Catalyst Factor

3.1. Set clear goals

3.2. Allow autonomy

3.3. Provide resources

3.4. Give enough time, but not too much

3.5. Help with work

3.6. Learn from problems & success

3.7. Allow ideas to flow

3.8. Forces that shape catalyst events

4. The Nourishment Factor

4.1. Respect

4.2. Encouragement

4.3. Emotional support

4.4. Affiliation

4.5. Toxins

5. The Daily Progress Checklist

6. Guidelines for Daily Journaling

7. Inner Work Life

7.1. Perceptions / Thoughts

7.2. Emotions / Feelings

7.3. Motivation / Drive

8. The Inner Work Life Effect: When it's good people:

8.1. Pay attention to the work

8.2. Become deeply engaged in work

8.3. Intend to do great work

9. Created by Dave Rothacker 8/28/2015

10. Influences on Inner Work Life

10.1. Progress Principle

10.2. Catalyst Factor

10.3. Nourishment Factor

11. Progress Principle Key

11.1. Give people meaningful work

11.2. Meaningful work is

11.3. Ways for managers to kill meaning

11.4. Progress loop