Objects in Our Solar System

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Objects in Our Solar System por Mind Map: Objects in Our Solar System

1. Planets with Moons

1.1. Earth

1.2. Mars

1.3. Jupiter

1.4. Neptune

1.5. Saturn

1.6. Uranus

2. The Order of the Planets

2.1. Mercury

2.2. Venus

2.3. Earth

2.4. Mars

2.5. Juptier

2.6. Saturn

2.7. Uranus

2.8. Neptune

3. The Closest Star to Earth

3.1. The Sun

4. Inner Planets

4.1. Mercury

4.2. Venus

4.3. Earth

4.4. Mars

5. Outer Planets

5.1. Jupiter

5.2. Saturn

5.3. Uranus

5.4. Neptune

6. Asteroid Belt

6.1. Between Mars and Jupiter