Technology & Our Changing Society

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Technology & Our Changing Society por Mind Map: Technology & Our Changing Society


1.1. By increasing cyber safety measures, users will also be able to decrease certain types of bullying. WHAT GOES THROUGH ON INTERNET STAYS ON THE INTERNET FOR EVERYONE TO SEE- Younger generations need to be made more aware of this BEFORE they engage in social media interaction or before they become equipped with a piece of technology. Engaging in knowledge of internet security and technological security would aid in less personal information being shared via social media networks and technology. This would make sure that bullies have no ammunition in order to fire their vicious attacks because they would not have access to personal information that could be used for blackmail of harassment. Therefore less bullying. A prime example of this is Amanda Todd (CBC News, 2012) whom shared private information...of her privates... and ended up getting blackmailed and harassed. This could have been avoided had she increased her security, didn't expose personal information and didn't share social information with people that were not her friends. There is no need to add people to your social media sites unless you are friends with them. Why give them the ammo and time of day if you aren't close to one another personally.


2.1. These topics oppose each other when internet safety is not used adequately, which is almost all of the time. Lack of knowledge on internet safety has put Canada within the top 10 countries for bullying. According to the Government of Canada (2013), "Canada has the 9th highest rate of bullying in the 13-years-olds category on a scale of 35 countries"


3.1. I believe that if society starts increasing technological security then the percentage of bullying will decrease in future generations in regards to harassment and blackmail. OpenColleges Ltd give good examples of all the things that come out of poor security and cyber bullying!


4.1. Keeping Safe Online

4.2. Bullying In The Modern Age

4.3. I picked these two topics because they are both entwined with one another and greatly influence each other.Both of these topics are important in todays society because "80% of teens are active on one or more social media sites" (Staff Writers, 2012). They are also important because research is showing that "face-to-face communication among teens is becoming unnecessary" (Staff Writers, 2012), which means that more personal information is going to be shared online in the future.


5.1. These topics are related to each other because younger generations in this day and age do not realise the fact that the amount of personal information they share online make them easy targets for fraudsters and bullying. "More than 58% of consumers have shared details over social media that put them at risk for fraud and identity theft`` (Fischer, 2013), which will only increase with each generation if audiences aren`t made aware of the dangers. There are also many different forms of bullying but the most relatable in this comparison are harassment and blackmail. Keeping personal information safe could also help decrease a certain amount of bullying online.


6.1. CBC News. (2012, October 11). B.C. girl's suicide foreshadowed by video. Retrieved November 29, 2015, from CBC News British Columbia: Fischer, J. (2013, August). OMG, 2 much info! Retrieved November 29, 2015, from Security Sense: Government of Canada. (2012, September 28). Canadian Bullying Statistics. Retrieved November 29, 2015, from Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Open Colleges, Ltd. (2013). Cyber Safety. Retrieved November 29, 2015, from Staff Writers. (2012, June 29). Cyberbullying: How Bullies Have Moved From the Playground to the Web. Retrieved November 28, 2015, from Online College.Org: