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Kidneys por Mind Map: Kidneys

1. tissue

1.1. capillaries called renal tubes

1.1.1. cortex

1.1.2. medulla

2. function

2.1. ultrafiltartion

2.1.1. fluid is filtrated out of the blood by the glomerulus

2.2. selective filtration

2.2.1. absortion of the substances needed

3. structure

3.1. renal artery

3.1.1. brings oxigenated blood

3.1.2. arteriole leades to a glomerulus surrunded by a renal capsule

3.2. renal vein

3.2.1. takes deoxigenated lood

3.3. ureter

3.3.1. goes from each kidney to the bladder (pelvis)

4. water balance

4.1. sweat

4.2. urination and defecation

4.3. exhale

4.4. osmoregulation

4.4.1. blood kept at a stedy concentration

4.5. homeostasis

4.5.1. the composition of the tissue fluids are kept within narrow limits (adjusted all the time to prevent big changes)