My reading life

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My reading life por Mind Map: My reading life

1. Fiction

1.1. Deep and Dark and Dangourus

2. Picture books

2.1. If You Give a Moose a Muffin

3. Chapter books

3.1. Dork Diaries

4. Books I've read in the past year

4.1. The Old Willow Place

4.2. Seed Folks

4.3. The Witches

4.4. The Fault in Our Stars

4.5. This Star Won't Go Out

5. Action and Drama

5.1. Star Wars

5.2. Advengers

5.3. Superman

6. Books I want to read in my freetime

6.1. Paper Towns

7. Books I have to read for school

7.1. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian

8. Non fiction

8.1. Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight

9. Movies based on books

9.1. TFIOS

9.2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid

9.3. Paper Towns

10. Series

10.1. Hunger games

10.2. The Maze Runner

10.3. Harry Potter

10.4. Percy Jackson