Differentiation Based on Students Needs

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Differentiation Based on Students Needs por Mind Map: Differentiation Based on Students Needs

1. Students' Learning Profiles

1.1. Auditory

1.1.1. Group Collaboration

1.1.2. Dialogue and exchange

1.2. Visual

1.2.1. Visual representations of grammar rules

1.2.2. Vobulary Word Wall

2. Students' Levels of Readiness

2.1. Students operating above or below grade level

2.1.1. Peer Teaching

2.1.2. Tiered Assignments

3. Students' Interests

3.1. Students could have a choice in the way they will submit their assignments to reflect their personal profile and interest. One can make a video while another could write an essay.

4. Objective: Describe and justify states of being and feelings AERO Common Core Plus Standards