Cellphone Effects on Communication

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Cellphone Effects on Communication por Mind Map: Cellphone Effects on Communication

1. Benefits of Cellphone Communication

1.1. Faster way to reach people.

1.1.1. Social Media: Instagram & Twitter

1.1.2. Email

1.1.3. Instant Texting and Phone Calls

1.2. Creates Language Communities

1.2.1. Whatsapp Groups: Sports, Academics, & Family

1.2.2. Facebook Groups: Particular likes and interests

1.2.3. Social Media Slang and Jargon

2. Drawbacks of Cellphones

2.1. Can be confusing

2.1.1. Spelling or grammatical errors in text messages or emails.

2.1.2. Slang or jargon is not comprehendible by everyone.

2.1.3. Instant messaging does not convey emotion. Can lead to misinterpretation of message.

2.2. Lack of face to face interaction

2.2.1. Code switching can be a problem.

2.2.2. Wider communication is limited.