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Deep links por Mind Map: Deep links

1. Questions

1.1. Can current android app be added to goole index?

1.2. Content in app from oktogo, not from travel

2. Steps

2.1. Research

2.1.1. Backend

2.1.2. App iOS Android

2.2. ETA

2.3. Intergration via cases

3. Basic info

3.1. Indexing app content in google

3.2. More paprams to drive user in funnel

3.3. More paprams to drive user in reg

3.4. More paprams to drive user in funnel

3.5. Smart URLs can differ traffic to stores

4. KPIs

5. Cases

5.1. Email links

5.1.1. mweb or app via smartlink

5.1.2. Promo campaigns for segment

5.2. SEO links

5.2.1. Links from SERP to hotel page in app

5.2.2. Links to static info pages

5.3. Sharing

5.3.1. Personalized promo screen

5.3.2. Bonus via friends

5.3.3. Favourite hotels

5.3.4. Share hotels set

5.3.5. Share voucher

5.3.6. Share booking

5.4. Referrals

5.4.1. Personalized promo screen

5.4.2. Bonus via friends (like Uber)

5.5. Registartion

5.5.1. Personalized promo screen

5.6. Web users to app

5.6.1. Links to voucher

5.6.2. Support care

5.6.3. Autologin

5.7. SMM links

5.7.1. Personalized promo screen

5.7.2. Promo campaigns for segment

5.8. Channels

5.8.1. Different prices via channel

5.8.2. Promo pay for different channels