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1. How big are the planets?

2. Sun: Is the source of energy for all life on Earth

3. GAS PLANETS: Large in size, light and mainly composed of gases and ice

3.1. Jupiter: * Is the larguest planet of the solar system. * Its surface is completely covered by clouds. *5.20AU

3.2. Saturn: * Is the only planet that has a lower density than water. * It is sourrounded by a group of rings make of ice. * 9,54AU

3.3. Uranus: * It is tilted. * It is surrounded by a system of rings, they're dark andthin. * 19,18AU

3.4. Neptune: * Is the furhest planet away from de Sun. * It has large spots caused by the strong winds. * 30.06AU

4. ROCKY PLANETS: Small size and mainly composed of rocks and metals

4.1. Mercury: *Is the closest planet to the Sun *No atmosphere*0.39AU

4.2. Venus: *Very dense atmosphere. *Temperatures can reach up 480 ºC. *0.72AU

4.3. Earth: *It's the larguest of the rocky planets. *It's life. *1.00AU

4.3.1. Moon: It's the satellite of the Earth

4.4. Mars: *'Red Planet'. * It has a very thin atmosphere. *1.52AU

5. Celestial bodies

5.1. Satellites

5.2. Asteroids

5.3. Comets

5.4. Meteoroids