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HIE BIL por Mind Map: HIE BIL

1. Articles, interviews, health and well-being glossary, quizzes, adverts

2. Productions

2.1. Official Logo

2.2. Song of the project

2.3. Organic garden

2.4. New illustrated recipes in 4 languages

2.5. Magazine of the project - 1st draft

3. Activities

3.1. Visits of places related to the project - organic farms, factories, cooperatives etc

3.2. Bilateral videoconferences

3.3. Logo Contest - locally and at European scale

3.4. Visual Ads in favour of well-being and healthy way of life

3.5. Planting and growing of aromatic plants and gegetables - dishes

3.6. Writing, illustrating and publishing using ICT

4. Intercultural Linguistic Camp

4.1. Poland - June 2023

5. Reports: TPM in Cyprus by Lash, ICT workshop in Germany by POLAND, TPM in Turkey by SPAIN, ILC in Poland by TURKEY, TPM in Greece by LATVIA

6. Training

6.1. ICT Workshop in Germany - End of September / beginning of October 2022

7. TPM

7.1. Turkey - March 2023

7.1.1. June 2022

7.2. Greece - September 2023

8. Evaluation and follow up tools

8.1. Questionnaires and synthesis - September 2022, June 2023 and June 2024

8.2. Travelling booklet

8.3. Programme of the ILC in Poland

8.4. Participants' feedback online

8.5. Participants' Social & Communication Skills

8.6. Budget control and management

9. Dissemination

9.1. Twinspace

9.2. Facebook

9.3. YouTube

9.4. Twitter

9.5. Flags in the partner schools

10. Communication and follow up

10.1. Coordinators' videoconferences

10.2. Twinspace messaging and emailing

11. Innovative Interactive Lessons by ICT