Dennis the Menace

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Dennis the Menace por Mind Map: Dennis the Menace

1. Gallery:

1.1. The Gallery will display all of Dennis' art work and writings.

1.1.1. I can use photo editing to enhance the look of the pictures and make up for what that have lost during the photographing process.

2. Purchase:

2.1. Customers will be able to purchase paintings and tattoo designs.

2.1.1. CanvaDesign can be used to create posters. So if people prefer a poster rather than a canvas, whether it's because they'd be cheaper or if a poster is more suitable they can.

3. Home:

3.1. The home page will include some of Dennis' art work, include quotes form some of his inspirations, and give an overview of the sight.

3.1.1. I can use a QR code so that people can get to his sight quicker or more efficiently.

4. About:

4.1. The about page will give people viewing the website an opportunity to get to know Dennis better as well as explain the services he provides, such as drawing and piano lessons, tattoo sketches, and custom paintings.

4.1.1. Video or Animations could be used to have a video of Dennis drawing or playing the piano because those are two services he offers.

5. Contact:

5.1. The contact page gives out Dennis' social media and provides a contact form for visitors that would like to contact him directly.

5.1.1. I can attach a google form for those who have an elaborate tattoo or painting idea so that it waill be easier to communicate.