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PickupMarket por Mind Map: PickupMarket

1. Data

1.1. objecten

1.1.1. user

1.1.2. order

1.1.3. products

2. Operations

3. Time

4. Hotzone

4.1. Security in payments

4.2. usability

4.3. BUGS

4.3.1. not mentioned on the first page on google search

4.3.2. dead links

4.3.3. http://www.beyondsecurity.com/vulnerability-scanner-verification/www.pickupmarket.nl

5. Function

6. Interfaces

7. Platforms

8. structure

8.1. Menu

8.1.1. Marktkraam

8.1.2. Hoe werkt het

8.1.3. Over ons

8.1.4. contact

8.1.5. blog

8.1.6. inloggen

9. goolgle

9.1. not mentioned on the first page on google