School chess club

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School chess club por Mind Map: School chess club

1. Intrapersonal

1.1. Will students develop intrapersonal skills at this cub?

2. Interpersonal

2.1. What competencies will develop students?

2.2. What will be age of pupils in each group?

3. Naturalist

3.1. Will pupils use wooden, paper or plastic chess pieces?

3.2. What kind of chess board will be used: wooden, paper, plastic?

4. Bodily/Kinesthetic

4.1. Will pupils make chess from paper?

4.2. Who will gather the chess pieces in the chess box at the end of the lesson?

5. Musical/Rhythmic

5.1. What kind of music will play during the chess lesson?

6. Visual Spatial

6.1. Who designs the chess classroom?

6.2. On which floor will be situated the chess classroom?

7. Existential

7.1. What is the purpose of organising this cub?

7.2. What will be the impact of chess play?

8. Logical/Mathematical

8.1. How many chess table?

8.2. How many chess boxes?

8.3. How many days per week to develop lessons?

8.4. Hoe many people in a group?

9. Verbal/Lingvistic

9.1. Pupils' communication

9.2. Language of study (Romanian, Russian or English)