(71 days) ~ 3.5 MM

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico (71 days) ~ 3.5 MM por Mind Map: (71 days) ~ 3.5 MM

1. ui (41 days)

1.1. Channels view (expandable list of channels) (4 days)

1.1.1. Item view (1 day)

1.1.2. expandable list view (2 days)

1.1.3. integration (1 day)

1.2. Common components (5 days)

1.2.1. Action bar implementation (2 days)

1.2.2. Days navigation widget (2 day)

1.2.3. Bottom panel (1 day)

1.3. Channel view (with schedule of programs) (2.5)

1.3.1. Channel switcher (0.5)

1.3.2. List view with data (1 day)

1.3.3. integration (1 day)

1.4. TV grid view with all channels and programms (it is custom cimponent) (6.5)

1.4.1. Integration 2 days

1.4.2. Top ruller (1 day)

1.4.3. Cell layout (0.5 day)

1.4.4. Grid layouting (3 days)

1.5. Moovies view with list of moovies. (4 days)

1.5.1. New / popular switch in AB (0.5 day)

1.5.2. Video information view (no requirements) (2 days)

1.5.3. List view (0.5 day)

1.5.4. Integration (1 day)

1.6. Media Player with custom controls (mostly this task is moved to top level item MediaPlaying with it's own estimation) (3 days)

1.6.1. Video controls layout if custom 2 days

1.6.2. Video player 1 day

1.7. Current channel view for tablet (Fragment of screen) (3 days)

1.7.1. Video player (1 day)

1.7.2. Video descrition (1 day)

1.7.3. Integration (1 day)

1.8. Tablet layout (combination of other layouts) (3 days)

1.9. Registration screen (2 days)

1.10. Settings screen (3 days)

1.11. Overall app integration + missing items (5 days)

2. core (15 days)

2.1. Netowrking (5 days)

2.2. DB support (10 days)

3. Media playing (15)

3.1. From 5 days ~ 15 days