vocab L1 andL3

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vocab L1 andL3 por Mind Map: vocab L1 andL3

1. Transpiration

1.1. The release of water from plants leaves.

2. Percipitation

2.1. Water returns from the atmosphere and falls to the surface as rain ,snow ,or hail.

3. Evaporation

3.1. Water that changes from liquid to a gas

4. Condensation

4.1. Waters state from gas to a liquid.

5. Water cycle

5.1. All the roles of water in liquid,gas,or solid.

6. Molecule

6.1. Two of the same or different atoms joined by covalent bonds.

7. Compound

7.1. A substance composed of 2 or more atoms of the same or different elements.

8. Hydrocarbons

8.1. Are organic compounds that contain only hydrogen and carbon atoms

9. Organic compounds

9.1. Are compounds with two or more carbon atoms

10. Inorganic compounds

10.1. Are compounds that lack carbon atoms