Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship por Mind Map: Digital Citizenship

1. Educate Yourself/Connect With Others

1.1. Digital Literacy

1.1.1. Teaching/Learning about new technology

1.1.2. Developing students' abilities to interact and manipulate new technology

1.2. Digital Communication

1.2.1. Responding/Communicating in a respectful manner

1.2.2. Digital information can be saved forever, so be mindful of appropriate sharing of info

1.3. Digital Commerce

1.3.1. Creating and sharing media

1.3.2. Participating in trade, buying & selling on-line

2. Respect Yourself & Others

2.1. Digital Access

2.1.1. What rules apply?

2.1.2. Relaying proper codes of conduct before digital use

2.2. Digital Etiquette

2.2.1. Being mindful of what is appropriate to post on a public domain

2.2.2. Thinking and acting in an ethical manner

2.3. Digital Law

2.3.1. Awareness of cyber bullying

2.3.2. Taking responsibility for one's actions

3. Protect Yourself & Others

3.1. Digital Rights & Responsibilities

3.1.1. What is safe and appropriate to share on-line?

3.1.2. Possessing a sense of privacy and ownership

3.2. Digital Safety & Security

3.2.1. Understanding difference between good and bad sites

3.2.2. Considering the appearance of on-line identities

3.3. Digital Health & Welfare

3.3.1. Understanding the impact of one's digital footrpint

3.3.2. Thinking through ethical dilemmas