
Create a To-Do list for your upcoming tasks

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Condicionales por Mind Map: Condicionales

1. First

1.1. possible future states or events

1.2. If/when + p.s centinuaus + will going to

1.3. will / can / may / must + verb

2. Zero

2.1. Common states or events

2.2. If/ when + present simple +presen simple

2.3. If she knows you well, she`s more talkative

3. Second

3.1. If + Past Simple

3.2. would / could / might + verb

3.3. If I won the lottery,

4. Third

4.1. If + Past Perfect tense

4.2. would/could/might + have + past participle

4.3. If I had won the lottery