Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing por Mind Map: Cloud Computing

1. Audience

1.1. Companies

1.1.1. Doing their work onlien

1.2. Businesses

1.2.1. Selling their product

1.3. Students

1.3.1. Doing homework and or classwork online

2. Why is this the future?

2.1. Convient

2.2. Everything is on the internet

2.3. It is already being used big companies

3. Videos

3.1. What is cloud computing?

3.2. Cloud Computing Advantages

3.3. Cloud Computing vs. Virtualization

3.4. How could cloud computing be used for work?

3.5. Intel's vision from 5 years ago.

4. Examples

4.1. Drop box

4.2. iCloud

4.3. Amazon Cloud Drive

4.4. Google Drive

5. Reasons to use cloud computing

5.1. Features

5.1.1. Only on the internet

5.1.2. Not on computer hard drive

5.2. Benefits

5.2.1. Everything in one place

5.2.2. It is more secure than databases

5.3. Uniqueness

5.3.1. Cloud servers are not open to the public, and databases are open to the public.

5.4. So What?

5.4.1. It is easy to access

5.4.2. Convenient

6. Articles

6.1. Cloud computing is the future

6.2. What is cloud computing

6.3. Examples of companies that use cloud computing