Questions to answer

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Questions to answer por Mind Map: Questions to answer

1. Technological

1.1. What technological leaps will influence banking in the future?

1.2. What are the technologies that exists in developed countries that may be introduced in Africa?

1.3. How does Bitcoin, M-Pesa and other alternative systems work?

1.4. How do current trends look like?

1.4.1. Mobile phone Usage Smartphones

1.4.2. Internet access

1.4.3. Share of digital payments

2. Environmental

3. Legal

3.1. What are recent or upcoming regulations that affect banking?

3.2. What future regulations can be expected?

4. *See the unseen*

4.1. What are the things we do not see that can affect the future?

4.2. Wich are future competitors?

4.2.1. Kick-starter, Kiva, Google&Apple pay, iZettle, Klarna

5. Requirements on our conclusions

5.1. What makes our conclusions possible

5.2. What will enable the development

5.3. Enablers

5.3.1. Technological

5.3.2. Infrastructure

5.3.3. Education

5.3.4. Trade & national business

5.3.5. Urbanization

6. *Banking*

6.1. How does the banking work today?

6.2. What are the stakeholders now and in the future?

6.3. What is creating value for banks and the country?

6.4. What drives change in banking? (B2B/B2C)

6.5. How do the bank interaction look like? (B2B/B2C)

6.6. The need of banking?

6.7. Alternative services/offerings?

6.7.1. Financial inclusion

6.8. How can the banks cooperate further in order to grow market.


7.1. How would the ideal banking experience look like?

8. External influences

8.1. In what way will globilazation effect banking.

8.2. Wich influences does African banks get from other countries?

8.3. Wich countries does the country do most business with.

8.4. Are there from a globla perspective any bank focused on younger generations.

8.5. Wich culture act as rolemodel?

8.6. Wich countries act as rolemodels for your country.

9. HOW

9.1. How would the expert consultants solve this assignment?

10. Political

10.1. Wich political factors will effect the development.

10.2. How does the goverment support education such as university.

10.3. Wich govermental investmentplans are there and under wich timeframe.

10.4. How is/will corruption, crime, cybercrime influence banking?

11. Economical

11.1. Market

11.1.1. Current structure of business development and innovation clusters.

11.1.2. How does the market look like today: -B2B, -B2C.

11.1.3. Identify national commercial superstars (as Branson); what do they think, need, see.

11.1.4. In what sectors will the business and new develop?

11.1.5. Wich large companies are represented in the country. And wich are uprising?

11.2. Macro

11.2.1. What is the education level of the country?

11.2.2. How does the demographics look like?

11.2.3. Poverty

11.2.4. What are the facts? Inflation etc. (part of macro)

12. Societal

12.1. Culture

12.1.1. How does the culture of today look like?

12.1.2. What is the local vision of the future? Hope? Despair? Dreams?

12.1.3. What is the view on money? How "safe" does money feel like?

12.1.4. How large is the formal colonial influence vs new stakeholders?

12.1.5. What is the trust in authorities, institutions, monetary system etc