Operating systems

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Operating systems por Mind Map: Operating systems

1. PC

1.1. Unix like

1.1.1. Linux C, Assembly open source Linus Torvalds, Red Hat, Debian Project x86-64, ARM, PowerPC, SPARC

1.1.2. OSX C, C++, Objective C closed source Apple Inc. PowerPC, x86-64, ARM

1.2. Windows

1.2.1. C, C++, Assembly

1.2.2. closed source

1.2.3. Microsoft Corporation

1.2.4. Itanium, x86-64, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC

2. Mobile

2.1. BlackBerry

2.1.1. C++

2.1.2. closed source

2.1.3. BlackBerry Ltd.

2.1.4. BlackBerry lines of smartphones

2.2. Windows phone

2.2.1. C, C++

2.2.2. closed source

2.2.3. Microsoft Corporarion

2.2.4. ARMv7

2.3. Android

2.3.1. C, C++, Java

2.3.2. open source

2.3.3. Android, Inc., Google

2.3.4. ARM, MIPS, MIPS 64, x86-64

2.4. iOS

2.4.1. C, C++, Swift, Object C

2.4.2. closed sorce

2.4.3. Apple Inc.

2.4.4. ARMv6, 7, 8

3. Server

3.1. FreeBSD

3.1.1. C

3.1.2. open source

3.1.3. The Free BSD Project

3.1.4. IA 32-64, x86-64, SPARC64, MIPS, PowerPC

3.2. Windows Server

3.2.1. C++

3.2.2. closed source

3.2.3. MIcrosoft Corporation

3.2.4. x64

3.3. Linux

3.3.1. C

3.3.2. open/closed source

3.3.3. Linus Torvalds, Red Hat, Debian Project

3.3.4. x86-64, ARM, PowerPC, SPARC