Ecological levels of organization

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Ecological levels of organization por Mind Map: Ecological levels of organization

1. Individuals: The science of ecology involves describing relationships between individual organisms and their physical environments. Example the golden frogs and there rain forest habitat.

2. Populations: A group of interbreed and produce fertile off springs. The individual class is put into this category. Example All the golden toads that lived all together in the monteverde region of Costa rica

3. Communities: A population of the golden toads along with all of the different plant,animal,fungal, and the microbial populations in the Monteverde cloud region.

4. Ecosystems: Includes all living and nonliving things and their physical environment. Monteverde's cloud region consists of all the organisms that live there plus the air water and nutrients.

5. Biosphere: The biosphere includes all parts of the earth that hosts life with all it's organisms and environments. Example the world