Ecological Levels of Organization

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Ecological Levels of Organization por Mind Map: Ecological Levels of Organization

1. 1. Individual

1.1. A single sloth. If there is one lone sloth, it would be individual.

2. 2. Population

2.1. A group of sloths in one area. If there is a group of sloths that lived together in the same area, it would be a population.

3. 3. Community

3.1. Sloths, plants and other diverse animals would make a community.

4. 4. Ecosystem

4.1. Sloths and the environment that surrounds them and has the resources they need to live. So the sloths would life with other animals in the ecosystem and they live off of the same resources.

5. 5. Biosphere

5.1. The Earth and it's biotic and abiotic factors.