12.1 Attending meetings

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12.1 Attending meetings por Mind Map: 12.1 Attending meetings

1. Vocabulary

1.1. Apologies

1.2. Chair

1.3. Agenda

1.4. Circulated

1.5. Minutes

1.6. Attend

1.7. Hold

1.8. Take

1.9. Called

1.10. Item

2. Time Clauses

2.1. I´ll call you when I get to the station

2.2. I´ll phone you as soon as I arrive

2.3. We won´t start before you arrive

2.4. We´ll wait until everyone is here

3. Useful Language

3.1. I missed the last meeting

3.2. Who´s going to chair the meeting?

3.3. Who´s going to take the minutes

3.4. I´ll circulate the minutes next monday

3.5. Fred can´t come. He sends his apologies


4.1. Conference Theme

4.2. Group Meetings

4.3. Presentations

4.4. Social Events

4.5. Location

4.6. Dates

4.7. Any other business

5. Words sound the same

5.1. OLD

5.1.1. HOLD

5.2. LATE