Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 por Mind Map: Chapter 1

1. Problem Solving

1.1. Analysis

1.1.1. identify problem input ---> process ---> output

1.2. Algorithm or pseudo code or flow chart or combination of them

1.2.1. Algorithm Any computing problem can be done by executing a series of actions in a specific order. A procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed and the order in which these actions are to be executed A procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed and the order in which these actions are to be executed

1.2.2. pseudo code is to make humans who do not understand computer programming can easily understand the flow of the problem solving informal language same to programming language

1.2.3. Flow Chart It is represents by using geometry shapes with connected line use as a standard symbol Flow Chart

1.3. Module Structures

1.3.1. Used for a big and complex problem

1.3.2. Divide the problem into smaller problem

2. Introduction

2.1. A computer is an electronic device capable of performing commands given by human.

2.2. Program – Are sequences of instructions and decisions that the computer carries out to achieve a task

2.3. Programmer – person responsible in writing a program

3. Defining Control Structures

3.1. There are three basic structures (control structures / logic structures)

3.1.1. Sequences You follow a set of directions in order from beginning to end example : a cookie recipe

3.1.2. Repetition to repeat one or more instruction until some condition is met example : shampoo bottles

3.1.3. Selection makes a decision and then takes appropriate action based on that decision example : during driving you will approach an intersection, whether you need to stop or proceed

3.2. Algorithm

3.2.1. procedure or formula for solving problem