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Scholastic por Mind Map: Scholastic

1. Parents

1.1. Books and Reading

1.2. Life and Learning

1.3. School Success

1.4. Activities and Printables

1.5. Blogs

2. Librarians

2.1. Author Videos

2.2. New and Noteworthy

2.3. Book Videos Collection

2.4. Using Technology to Support Literacy

3. Kids

3.1. Ages 8-12

3.2. Ages 3-7

4. Teachers

4.1. Resources and Tools

4.2. Strategies and Ideas

4.3. Student Activities

4.4. Books and Authors

4.5. Products and Services

4.6. Storia Ebooks

5. Administrators

5.1. Technology

5.2. Leadership

5.3. Video

5.4. Professional Development

5.5. Curriculum