Increased demand can't match the existing supply and ability of the government to regulate and pr...

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Increased demand can't match the existing supply and ability of the government to regulate and provide management system por Mind Map: Increased demand can't match the existing supply and ability of the government to regulate and provide management system

1. Effects

1.1. poor living standard

1.2. unhealthy environment

1.3. cannot attract investor and businesses

1.4. water and air pollution

2. Causes

2.1. sewage not treated directly dumped to river and streams

2.1.1. no waste treatment

2.2. disposal of wastes in the streets

2.3. Increasing garbage volume

2.3.1. informal/irregular settlement (location) intense urbanization poverty narrow road (accessibility) expensive piping system steep location not in proximity to the open landfill people throw garbage in hills

2.3.2. poor accessibility

2.4. improper waste collection

2.4.1. neglected sanitation facilities