Ethics and the College Student enrolled in Environmental Science

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Ethics and the College Student enrolled in Environmental Science por Mind Map: Ethics and the College Student enrolled in Environmental Science

1. Resources






2. Examples of Academic Dishonesty:

2.1. Changing answers on an already graded paper or project

2.2. Plagiarism

2.3. Copying other students work

2.4. Impersonating another person to take an exam

2.5. Using a calculator or computer when prohibited

2.6. Falsifying information or sources on papers

3. Examples of Unethical Behavior in an Environmental Science career field:

3.1. Taking credit for someone else's research

3.2. Sabotaging the work of another scientist

3.3. Falsifying data in order to support your theroy

4. Environmental Science is the study of the Environment and the numerous ways to protect it.

5. Statements:

5.1. Studies have found that students participating in academic dishonesty during college results in unethical behavior once they get to their professional career field.

5.2. In todays politically correct society, ethical conduct is imperative to a person in a career involving environmental science as these professions directly affect human and animal lives

5.3. The media uses statistics and facts based off of environmental science research. If research is falsified and not directly proven, society could be pushed into believing incorrect information, causing detrimental behaviors.

6. Cases of Scientific Falsification: