Business Support 2011

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Business Support 2011 por Mind Map: Business Support 2011

1. Automate anything that can be automated

1.1. Log into RMS via email?

1.2. Collecting/prioritising user requests/suggestions

1.2.1. Automate

2. Minimise phone contact

2.1. Make email contact mandatory? Or via CRM?

2.1.1. Phone contact v inefficient

2.1.2. But we seem to almost always respond to email contact with a phone call, so no saving except for SD Web form so basic info is always included in emails

3. Delegate

3.1. Adviceline?

3.2. To service desk?

3.2.1. CRM Admin activities

3.2.2. simple calls

3.2.3. have a CRM specialist in SD?

3.3. Help bx equip themselves with help in house

4. What can we not do?

5. Adviceline

5.1. CASE & Appt+ difficult solution - needs lots of support

5.2. Will CRM users joining adviceline need tech support?

6. Prevention is better than cure

6.1. Improvements to the product

6.1.1. Releases vs ongoing configuration

6.1.2. Product manager role?

6.2. Implementation

6.3. Training

6.3.1. f-2-f is relatively inefficient use of resources?

6.4. Proactive communication with users

6.4.1. does CRM have any capacity for comms? ideally push to subgroups of users... Users will have an (optional) associated email. That could give us an email list and the means to segment it appropriately

6.4.2. Blog?

6.4.3. Merely adding new content to CABlink is ineffective

6.5. Help materials

6.5.1. Responsive updates needed Skills within team Straight forward (=quick) process

6.5.2. Needs to be good

6.5.3. No culture of using help - because case hasn't got any - what can we do about that?

6.6. Anticipate problems

7. Manage expectations

7.1. Set user expectations about level of support offered

7.1.1. No signif effort into resolving 1-off CASE issues

7.1.2. No pivot/v-lookup handholding

8. Prefer 1-many to 1-1

8.1. Make support activities visible/reusable

8.1.1. Blog?

8.1.2. Forums?

8.2. Scheduled/bookable webex sessions

8.2.1. eventbrite for booking?

9. Prefer public to private