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How I learn por Mind Map: How I learn

1. As a lawyer

1.1. firm's knowledge management tools

1.1.1. knowledge maps

1.1.2. forums

1.1.3. wikis

1.1.4. precedents databases

1.2. Clients

1.3. Caselaw

1.4. Other internet resources

1.5. Colleagues

2. As a firm manager

2.1. Harvard Business Review

2.2. Colleagues

2.3. My father

2.4. Friends

2.5. Clients

3. As an entrepreneur

3.1. Twitter

3.1.1. account 1 Tech Crunh/Michael Arrington hfarm ventures harvad sites ReadWriteWeb Mashable

3.2. Mind the Bridge foundation

3.3. Harvard Business Review

3.4. Clients

3.5. Wired

4. As a husband

4.1. My wife

4.2. My colleagues

4.3. My family

4.4. My friends

4.5. Internet resources

5. As a father

5.1. My wife

5.2. My kids

5.3. Pedagogy books

5.4. Education resources

5.5. My parents and my parents in law

5.6. My friends

5.7. Movies

6. As an education technologist

6.1. Harvard Extension

6.1.1. Stacie/Denise

6.1.2. Classmates

6.2. Twitter

6.2.1. account 2 Harvard extension TED EthanZ/Global Voices Berkmancenter

6.3. Delicious

6.4. Flipboard

6.5. IT dept at my firm

7. As a human being

8. As a painter/photographer/moviemaker

8.1. The Art Students' League of New York

8.2. My son Simone

8.3. Museums

8.4. Myself

8.5. Art books

8.6. Internet resources

8.7. Photography books

8.8. Movies

8.9. Street scenes and everyday life

8.10. Friend and colleague PM

8.11. Magazines

8.12. Tv

8.13. YouTube