The Three Musketeers

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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The Three Musketeers por Mind Map: The Three Musketeers

1. Author

1.1. Alexandre Dumas

1.2. 7/24/1802, 12/8/1870

1.3. French

1.4. One of the most wide-read french authors.

2. General Info

2.1. 1844

2.2. Historical Fiction

2.3. French

2.4. France

3. Plot

3.1. d'Artagnan sets out to become a Musketeer

3.2. The unnamed man steals d'Artagnan's recommendation letter from his valise.

3.3. d'Artagnan meets his friends after wronging them all and had scheduled fights with all of them.

3.4. The Landlord tells d'Artagnan his wife is missing and d'Artagnan is spent on a wild goose chase trying to find anything he can wile him and his friends that are helping him are in poverty.

3.5. d'Artagnan finds Milady and gets on a ship trying to get back to France.

3.6. Milady dies and d'Artagnan is promoted to a Luitenent in the Musketeers and Monsuier Bornacioux disappears.

4. Themes, Allusions & Symbols

4.1. Themes

4.1.1. Friendship is important, even on other sides of the coin. (after d'Artagnan is placed in the ranks of the Cardinals guards the enemy of the musketeers, his friends help him even through everything he goes through.

4.2. Symbols

4.2.1. Swords, crossing swords in this world is a high honor, especially if they were a high profile man, and winning.

4.3. Allusion

4.3.1. The author, even though a really old book, alludes to even farther in history, roman times more specifically.

5. Characters

5.1. d'Artangnan

5.2. Porthos. Athos, and Aramis

5.3. Unnamed man, cardinals guards, the foreign armies.

6. Vocabulary

6.1. Section 1

6.1.1. valise a light coat Currency

6.1.2. rummaged gone through A light Coat

6.2. Section 2

6.2.1. signor an address of an italian man time recuperating

6.2.2. covalescence time spent recuperating an address to an Italian man.

6.3. Section 3

6.3.1. Contrite feeling sorrow

6.3.2. Prudent Careful

6.4. Section 4

6.4.1. Contempt lack of respect

6.4.2. Capricious impulsive

7. Summary

7.1. d'Artagnan is put down with a blow by a strange man that steals his Musketeer recommendation letter.

7.2. d'Artagnan and his newly aquainted friends Aramis, Porthos, and Athos fight the Cardinals best squad and win, after d'Artagnan separately gets into fights with all of them.

7.3. d'Artagnan is recruited in to the cardinals regiment. Surprisingly the musketeers also joined with d'Artagnan.

7.4. d'Artagnan and his friends get placed as detectives after d'Artagnan's landlord tells him his wife went missing.