Ms. Engle's Book Log

EDT-180 basic ideas for the website creation process.

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Ms. Engle's Book Log por Mind Map: Ms. Engle's Book Log

1. Vocabulary Sheets

2. This is a google worksheet where a student is assigned to complete certain vocabulary words by providing a definition, an example in a sentence, and the quote from the book where the word was found.

2.1. Graphic Design and QR Codes. It will make it easier for the students to access anywhere.

3. Book of the Month

3.1. The Book of the Month pages is a page dedicated to the book that the students are reading in the classroom. The pages is stylized like a blog posting system where the students can make posts and discuss about the book.

3.1.1. Social Media Links. My students are invited to join a Facebook group of their classmates and tweet about interesting information about the book.

4. Previous Book of the Month

4.1. The Previous Book of the Month Page will show the students how far they've come in terms of reading and help serve as a review session for the final comprehension tests.

4.1.1. Info graphics about the book. Such as different and interesting highlights of the book

4.1.2. Digital Photos Editing. Mostly of the top ten moments with the book and student made photos on the social media links

5. Upcoming Book of the Month

5.1. This page is purely for advertising potential book options as well as where my students can buy them and a survey for which book they choose out of the three

5.1.1. Google Form. The survey will help the students reflect on what book to choose

5.1.2. Info graphics. I want to showcase the book as you would see it in a bookstore or if you were to order it online. So, a picture of the cover, a small blurb about what the book is about, potentially the first ten pages of the book, and/or PDF files of the book if available.

6. Ms. Engle's Book Log is a website that I will be creating for my students that encourages them to read both in and outside the classroom by providing them with a list of resources and activities to complete. I want to inspire my students to always keep reading for enjoyment without confining the assignments into a classroom setting.

7. Home

7.1. The Home page will have a scroll down option of the additional pages as well as a notification alert system for my students so that they can be aware of pressing due dates. It will showcase the school logo, upcoming books, conact info, etc.

7.1.1. Digital Photography and Logos. I want to create my own personal logo to showcase my originality and potentially an image for each book cover.

8. Connect with the Teacher

8.1. The Contact Information page will display was to contact the teacher, he experience in teaching students, her contact information, a goal counter for the year, and a survey to offer suggestion for the next book.

8.1.1. Google Form to send direct emails to the teacher in regards to any suggestions or questions.

8.1.2. Screencast Presentation/Video an Animation on information about the teacher.