Student Engagement in the Online Classroom

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Student Engagement in the Online Classroom por Mind Map: Student Engagement in the Online Classroom

1. Effective Stratagies

1.1. Break the Ice!

1.1.1. Get to know fellow students

1.1.2. Get to know your teachers

1.1.3. Partner in crime, find one!

1.1.4. Share knowledge and personal experience

1.1.5. Use proper online etiquette or 'Netiquette'

1.2. Get involved

1.2.1. Civic Engagement

1.2.2. Do not stay silent in class!

1.2.3. Group Activities are Golden Opportunities to socialize and engage!

2. Effects and Uses Outside the Acedemic World

2.1. "Individuals become more socially aware"

2.1.1. Empathy

2.1.2. Organisational Awareness

2.1.3. Emotional Intellegence

2.2. Exposure to Diversity

2.2.1. "Diversity can improve the bottom line of companies and lead to unfettered discoveries and breakthrough innovation."

2.3. Enhances critical thinkng

2.4. Lifelong partnerships that can extend well into ones professional carreer.

3. What is student engagement exactly?

4. Tools

4.1. On Campus

4.1.1. The Quad

4.1.2. Classroom chat & forums

4.1.3. The Lounge

4.1.4. Clearpath

4.2. Off Campus

4.2.1. Social Media

5. Three types of engagement

5.1. Behavioral

5.2. Emotional

5.3. Cognative