Advanced Strategy

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Advanced Strategy por Mind Map: Advanced Strategy

1. Experience & Learning

2. Stakeholders Value Creation

2.1. Paradigm Shift

2.2. Ownership Models of the Organization

2.2.1. Public Companies

2.2.2. State-owned enterprises

2.2.3. Entrepreneurial businesses

2.2.4. Family businesses

2.3. Governance models of the organization

2.3.1. Shareholder

2.3.2. Stakeholder

3. The Strategy Process

3.1. Realizing Strategies...

3.2. The Five Ps For Strategy

3.2.1. Plan

3.2.2. Pattern

3.2.3. Position

3.2.4. Perspective

3.2.5. Ploy

3.2.6. Strategic Change at Philips

4. Organization Design

4.1. Strategy and Structure

4.1.1. Structural Options Function Product / Service Geography Customer / Markets