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Week Five por Mind Map: Week Five

1. + Assertive

1.1. 1. + Helping but not forcing

1.2. 2. + Easy to deal with

1.3. 3. + Positive impact

1.4. 4. + Polite

1.5. 5. + Firm but not aggressive

2. + Conflict-Resolution Strategies

2.1. 1. + Good way to solve issues

2.2. 2. + Smart way to make choices

2.3. 3. + Safe process

2.4. 4. + Helps make it easier to deal with problems

2.5. 5. + Positive impact

3. - Passive/ Aggressive

3.1. 1. - Bottles up emotions

3.2. 2. - Doesn't resolve conflict

3.3. 3. + Does avoid conflict mostly

3.4. 4. - Could cause more conflict

3.5. 5. - Hostile

4. + Passive

4.1. 1. + Avoids conflict

4.2. 2. + Resolves issues easier

4.3. 3. - Doesn't always solve problems

4.4. 4. + Not aggressive

4.5. 5. - Avoids dealing with issues

5. - Aggressive

5.1. 1. - Tends to be hostile.

5.2. 2. - Harsh

5.3. 3. - Rude

5.4. 4. - Not easy to deal with

5.5. 5. - Negative impact