location ideas

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location ideas por Mind Map: location ideas

1. dangers

1.1. there will always be dangers of traffic as we will be filming on a dark bendy road

1.2. territorial wildlife could be located where we are filming so will have to be cautious of our surroundings

1.3. if we have a running scene there will be dangers of tripping and inuring ourselves

2. Ideas

2.1. hostage situation

2.2. dark isolated drug deal

3. dark country road

3.1. dagwood in dodddinghurst

3.2. chainbridge farm

3.3. alexander lane

4. Problems

4.1. needs to be quite are cars could interrupt filming

4.2. many wildlife in the surrounding woodland can again interrupt our filming

4.3. hard to find our perfect location as our initial idea didn't work out to uncontrollable circumstances