Students will be able to draft a persuasive letter to parents.

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Students will be able to draft a persuasive letter to parents. por Mind Map: Students will be able to draft a persuasive letter to parents.

1. Learning profiles

1.1. Visual

1.1.1. Watch the Science of Persuasion on YouTube then conduct a teacher-led brainstorming session for possible student topics. Write out a large mind map on the board to expand as a class. KEY STRATEGY: Think aloud after the video to model or suggest a couple topics for the class. General strategies includes those for auditory and kinesthetic learners.

1.2. Auditory

1.2.1. Students freely and openly contribute to the brainstorming activity. KEY STRATEGY: No judging on any topics at this point. Anything is possible. General strategies includes those for visual and kinesthetic learners.

1.3. Kinesthetic

1.3.1. Students follow along and make a mind map from the brainstorming activity to reference later. KEY STRATEGY: Accountability so no one is left without ideas for drafting. General strategies includes those for visual and auditorylearners.

2. Interests

2.1. Unique

2.1.1. This student typically wants to express ideas, so getting started and going takes less effort. KEY STRATEGY: Trust the student's creativity.

2.2. Common

2.2.1. This student needs examples to follow and typically takes the easiest route. I have no problem with this as long as the student stays busy. Otherwise, we have to find a topic that will ultimately be more engaging. KEY STRATEGY: Small group work to accelerate the production of topics.

3. Readiness

3.1. High

3.1.1. This student needs little encouragement to write, even if the writing conventions are not solid, this type of students wants to express ideas. The challenge is to do less writing well and not more writing poorly. KEY STRATEGY: Limit the number of words for final version.

3.2. Low

3.2.1. This student may not have the skills yet to write a full essay. An alternative would be to complete a graphic organizer with the key ideas. Essentially, it is an outline instead of a completed piece. KEY STRATEGY: Adjust the expectation to what the student can comprehend and deliver.